Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel character
First appearance "Welcome to the Hellmouth"
Created by Joss Whedon
Portrayed by David Boreanaz
Affiliation Scooby Gang
Angel Investigations
The Powers That Be
Wolfram & Hart
Classification Vampire
Notable powers Supernatural strength, speed, stamina, agility, and reflexes
Acute sensory perception, rapid healing, and immortality

Angel (also known as Angelus, previously Liam) is a fictional character created by Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt for the television programs Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. He is played by actor David Boreanaz. Angel is a vampire who is cursed with a soul, a punishment designed to make him suffer for his past crimes committed under the name Angelus. Like many characters in the Buffyverse, Angel goes through drastic changes. He starts out as a reluctant hero who stayed in the shadows, and ended up a dark, flawed, yet altruistic champion of mankind, seeking to voluntarily atone for his sins. In addition to the two television series, the character appears in the comic book continuations of both series.




Angel's first appearance is in "Welcome to the Hellmouth", the first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1997. In it, he meets the protagonist Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), a young girl destined to fight evil in the small town of Sunnydale. For the first half of the season, Angel is an enigmatic love interest for Buffy, showing up only to offer her cryptic messages about upcoming threats. It isn't until the episode "Angel" that the character is revealed to be a benevolent vampire. Although uneasy about trusting a vampire, Buffy and the Scooby Gang eventually come to view Angel as an ally. In the second season (1997–1998), Buffy and Angel's romantic relationship develops and the pair have sex in the episode "Surprise". For experiencing a moment of pure happiness, however, the gypsy curse on Angel is revoked, unleashing the soulless Angelus, who reunites with his old friends, vampires Spike (James Marsters) and Drusilla (Juliet Landau), and begins terrorizing Buffy and her friends. Upon discovering gypsy descendent Jenny Calendar (Robia LaMorte) is working to translate the text of a spell to restore Angel's soul, Angelus murders her by breaking her neck, and places her body in the bed of her boyfriend, Giles (Anthony Head), for him to discover. Angelus then attempts to destroy the world by awakening the demon Acathla. In the season finale, neophyte witch Willow (Alyson Hannigan) manages to restore Angel's soul at the last moment, but Buffy is forced to kill him to save the world from Acathla, and Angel is sent to hell. In season three (1998–1999), Angel inexplicably returns from hell. The Scooby Gang are outraged when they discover that Buffy has been secretly caring for him since his resurrection, but grudgingly accept him after he saves Willow's life. When Angel is later manipulated by the First Evil into attempting suicide, his life is saved by Buffy and divine intervention. Although Buffy and Angel initially try to be nothing more than friends, they eventually resume their romantic, albeit celibate, relationship. However, as Angel becomes more aware of their limitations as a couple, he eventually breaks up with her in the hopes that she will be happier without him. He decides to leave Sunnydale altogether, but not before attending Buffy's prom and helping her in the battle against Mayor Wilkins (Harry Groener).

After his departure from Buffy, Angel appeared in his own spin-off series, titled Angel. Moving to Los Angeles, he starts a supernatural detective agency called Angel Investigations. He dedicates himself to "helping the helpless," and becomes a Champion of The Powers That Be, who send him psychic visions through his employees Doyle (Glenn Quinn), and later Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter). In doing so, he frequently clashes with the powerful law firm Wolfram & Hart, who represent the evil of the world. During this season (1999–2000), Buffy and Angel appear in each other's shows (the Buffy episode "Pangs" and the Angel episode "I Will Remember You"), but are forced to accept that nothing has changed and they still can't or shouldn't be together. Later in the television season, Buffy crosses over into the episode "Sanctuary" where she attempts to kill rogue Slayer Faith (Eliza Dushku) to whom Angel shows compassion, and Angel appears in Buffy's "The Yoko Factor" where he squares off with Buffy's new boyfriend Riley (Marc Blucas). Angel appears in the Buffy season five's "Forever", comforting Buffy after her mother's death. In the season one finale, Angel is given some hope at redemption when the Shanshu prophecy reveals that a vampire with a soul may eventually become human after fulfilling his role in the upcoming apocalypse. In season two (2000–2001), Angel discovers that Wolfram & Hart has brought his sire and former lover Darla (Julie Benz) back from the dead in human form. Although Darla is intent on bringing back Angelus, Angel hopes to save her soul and help her seek redemption while she still has a chance. However, just as it looks like he might succeed, Wolfram & Hart bring in Drusilla to turn Darla back into a vampire. Embracing his dark side, Angel fires his employees, Cordelia, Wesley (Alexis Denisof) and Gunn (J. August Richards), and embarks on a vendetta against Wolfram & Hart; Angel allows Darla and Dru to massacre a group of lawyers. Losing faith in his mission, he has sex with Darla in the hopes of losing his soul. Instead, however, he experiences an epiphany and realises that the good fight is still worth fighting. A disgusted Darla flees L.A. and Angel reconciles with his friends, who eventually forgive him.

Season three (2001–2002) sees Angel struggle with fatherhood when Darla returns pregnant with his child, despite the fact that vampires are unable to conceive. When Darla kills herself to give birth, Angel is left to raise the baby Connor (played by triplets Connor, Jake and Trenton Tupen) and protect him from those who wish to get their hands on a child of two vampires. False prophecies, time travel, and betrayal lead to Angel losing his infant son to an old enemy, Holtz (Keith Szarabajka), who abducts Connor into a hell dimension where time passes differently. Connor (Vincent Kartheiser) returns days later, fully grown and under the belief that Angel is a soulless monster. Holtz kills himself and Angel is framed for his death by Holtz's lover, prompting Connor to take revenge by sinking his father to the bottom of the ocean. Over the course of this season, Angel's friendship with his colleague Cordelia evolves into romance, but circumstances prevent him from confessing his feelings. In Angel's fourth season (2002–2003), Angel is rescued from the ocean by his former friend Wesley. As Los Angeles crumbles under the apocalypse, Angel is forced to cope with the romantic relationship between his son and Cordelia. In order to find out more about the Beast (Vladimir Kulich) terrorizing L.A., Angel Investigations remove Angel's soul and bring back Angelus. Their plan fails, and Angelus wreaks havoc until an old friend, Willow, manages to return his soul for the second time. It is eventually revealed that Cordelia is possessed by Jasmine (Gina Torres), a higher power who puts humanity under her thrall in the hopes of achieving world peace. When Angel restores free will and ruins Jasmine's plan, Wolfram & Hart offer him control of their L.A. branch as a reward for putting a stop to world peace. Angel accepts when they agree to rewrite Connor's memories of growing up in hell, allowing him to live a normal life with a new family. Afterwards, Angel appears in the penultimate and final episodes of Buffy, presenting Buffy with an amulet to help her battle the First Evil.

The final season of Angel (2003–2004) sees the character having made a deal with the devil by becoming CEO of Wolfram & Hart's Los Angeles office, and all of his friends have become W&H employees hoping to reform the organization from within under Angel's supervision. His life this season is complicated by the increasingly blurred line between good and evil, the deaths of loved ones Cordelia and Fred (Amy Acker), and the possibility that the Shanshu prophecy may in fact be referring to Spike (who is now also a vampire with a soul) rather than himself. Allowing his friends to believe he is being corrupted, Angel secretly plots to bring down the Senior Partners of Wolfram & Hart by assassinating the Circle of the Black Thorn, signing away his prophesied humanity in the process. Realizing that he may never be able to fully stop the forces of evil, Angel and his friends enter into a suicidal battle against the Senior Partners, and the series ends with the question of their survival unanswered.

Between 2001 and 2004, Joss Whedon and Jeph Loeb developed a 4-minute pilot episode for Buffy the Animated Series, which was set during the show's first season. Had the series been picked up by a network, it would have featured Angel (voiced by David Boreanaz) in more adventures set during Buffy's first season. Following a 2008 leak of the pilot to YouTube, Loeb expressed some hope that the series may be resurrected in some form.[1]


In 2007, Angel began appearing in two canonical continuations of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel from Joss Whedon. Appearing "sparingly" in the Dark Horse Comics Buffy continuation Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight, Angel appears in dream sequences belonging to Buffy in the series third and twentieth issues, as well as in the Dark Horse Presents special Season Eight comic "Always Darkest". The first depicts a sexual encounter involving Buffy, Spike and Angel simultaneously; in the second he advises Buffy about not changing the future; in the third, he and Spike neglect to help Buffy fight Caleb and instead begin flirting with and kissing one another. In the 33rd issue, the series' villain Twilight is unmasked as Angel; how Angel came to assume the alias is as yet unspecified. The Season Eight creative team have promised that Angel's appearances as Twilight will not conflict with the continuity of Angel's own comic book series.[2] Angel appears more substantially within the IDW Publishing continuation of Angel, Angel: After the Fall; Whedon, with writer Brian Lynch, developed the storyline for the first seventeen issues but did not write the series himself. Beginning with the eighteenth issue of the series, IDW chose to continue telling "official" Angel stories in an ongoing comic book with rotating writers and artists. Kelley Armstrong explains that her five-issue Angel: Aftermath story arc following After the Fall is not strictly "canon" in the same sense as After the Fall as it "did not come from Whedon himself".[3][4] In the continued series without Whedon's involvement, Angel engages in episodic adventures, while the series also takes breaks to focus on other characters. From the 28th issue, under writer Bill Willingham, Angel will be dealing with his newfound fame and have to escape the newly founded 'Immortality Incorporated', who kidnap him. In his absence Connor steps up to take over Angel Investigations.[5] When rights to Angel settings and characters reverted to Dark Horse, IDW promised to end their ongoing Angel series with its forty-fourth issue in 2011, and began negotiating with Dark Horse so that it would bridge continuity with Season Eight and the upcoming Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine before departing. The final story arc, "The Wolf, Ram and Hart" restores Wolfram & Hart to the world of Angel.[6]

In After the Fall, set after the fifth season, Angel and his friends struggle as Los Angeles has been moved to a hell dimension by the Senior Partners who have also turned Angel human as a punishment.[7][8][9] With the help of Wesley's ghost,[7] magical spells to simulate his old abilities,[10] and a friendly dragon (seen in "Not Fade Away") which he names after Cordelia,[11] Angel continues helping the helpless. Angel eventually outsmarts and kills the Demon Lords of Los Angeles to win the city back for its people.[12] Gunn, now a vampire out for revenge against Angel following the fight in the alley,[8] confronts Angel,[13] and brings him to the point of death.[14] Cordelia's spirit comes to convince Angel to keep fighting, in spite of a vision of the "final battle" which sees Angel responsible for countless deaths.[11][15] Wesley also confirms that Angel is still viable for the Shanshu prophecy, because his signed contract was never filed.[11] Angel's body is subsequently taken by the Senior Partners and restored to health while Gunn successfully manages to restore Illyria to her true form, hoping she will restore time to before the Fall of Los Angeles only to embark on a destructive rampage instead.[16] Gunn kills Connor,[17] but rather than avenge the death Angel allows Gunn to kill him, forcing the Senior Partners to restore time back to before the Fall, as he is necessary to their plans. Restored to the fight in the alley with memories intact, Angel saves Gunn this time and later is happily reunited with Connor.[18] Angel enjoys celebrity status from the citizens of Los Angeles, and gives Cordelia the dragon over to Groosalugg. As a mark of respect for his friends, he names a wing of the Los Angeles public library after Wesley and Fred; Wesley is no longer a ghost. Angel leaves the human, traumatised Gunn an Angel Investigations card and returns to his duties helping the helpless.[19]

In Season Eight, Twilight appears in the premiere issue, written by Whedon; his shoes are seen floating in the air as he surveys Buffy. At the end of the arc, the military general who coordinated a large-scale attack on Buffy is revealed to be a follower of "Twilight";[20] later issues show that many of the anti-Slayer forces serve under the leadership of a masked person known as Twilight.[21] Buffy herself finally confronts Twilight in "A Beautiful Sunset", along with the Slayer Satsu, but Twilight's superior strength and ability to fly ensures his easy victory.[22] In Jane Espenson's story arc "Retreat", Twilight locates Buffy's allies through their use of magic, forcing them to converge and retreat.[23] In Tibet, Slayers and witches suppress their magic,[24][25] which ultimately leads to a mutually destructive military conflict between the Slayers and Twilight's forces.[22] In its aftermath, however, Buffy mysteriously acquires abilities conspicuously similar to Twilight's.[26][27][28] In the penultimate arc, written by Brad Meltzer, the newly-empowered Buffy faces up to her masked enemy again. Twilight reveals himself to be Angel, and claims to have been distracting the various groups that would seek to destroy Buffy while pushing her towards some other end.[29] Buffy and Angel — destiny's agents in discarding the old reality and ushering in a new one — are overcome with desire for one another. They kiss, have sex and fly through space, eventually ascending to a dimension called Twilight. Meanwhile, Giles exposits a prophecy pertaining to the creation of a new universe, brought about by a Slayer falling in love with a vampire.[30] The two come to their senses and return to Earth to fight off the hordes of demons unleashed by their ascension.[31] Espenson's Riley one-shot flashes back to an uneasy Angel, early in his Twilight masquerade, convinced by Whistler that this course of actions leads to the only possible future in which Buffy survives.[32] The final arc, "Last Gleaming", depicts Angel's first encounter with the higher power which bestowed Twilight's superheroic abilities on him. Spike explains the next step in the prophecy, which concerns the new universe springing from the mystical Seed of Wonder, a source for all the magic in the universe, buried beneath Sunnydale.[33] Although he tries to stop more of the damage caused by the Twilight dimension's coming, the Twilight dimension (the aforementioned higher power) possesses Angel.[34] To protect the seed, a possessed Angel then tries to kill Buffy and Spike, and goes so far as to snap Giles' neck. This prompts Buffy to destroy the Seed. This stops the Twilight dimension from destroying the existing world, and Angel is dispossessed, but the universe is also stripped of all magic.[35]

Buffy Season Nine will be respectful to the storylines featured in IDW's forty-four issue Angel run.[36] Dark Horse comics editor Scott Allie has promised that the interaction between Buffy and Angel characters will give Dark Horse's "Buffyverse" an "early Marvel Universe feel".[37]

In 2009, IDW released a four-issue miniseries, Angel: Blood and Trenches, written and drawn by John Byrne in an uninked, uncolored style save for the red of blood. The story tells of Angel's activities during World War I.


SFX magazine named Angel as the third greatest vampire in television and film, with rival Spike in first place. They claim that, while he could have worked simply as a brooding love-interest (Buffy) or redemption-seeking hero (Angel), the character also has a "wonderfully appealing, self-effacing humour, helped no end by Boreanaz's ability to look like a slapped puppy". While Angel could be "big and hard and manly", he could also be "sulky, pathetic, in need of a hug". They also cite his poor singing and dancing as examples of his "amusing awkwardness", which "spoke volumes about who he was".[38]

Angel has been voted by the thousands of Hello! readers as the sexiest on-screen vampire in 2009. He gathered 34 percent of the vote and finished ahead of other popular vampires like Edward Cullen, Eric Northman, Lestat de Lioncourt and Spike.[39] Also Forbes named him as the Hollywood's second most powerful vampire. Rankings were based on television ratings, inflation-adjusted box office performance, as well as presence in popular culture through blog and press mentions since 1979.[40]



  1. ^ Vineyard, Jennifer (2008-08-26). "‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ Animated Series To Be Resurrected?". MTV Movies Blog. Retrieved 2008-09-05. 
  2. ^ Phegley, Kiel (January 8, 2009). "Behind Buffy's Twilight Reveal". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved January 9, 2009. 
  3. ^ "Kelley Armstrong - "Angel : Aftermath" Comic Book - Q&A". 2010-06-13. Retrieved 2011-03-20. 
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ "Bill Willingham Talks About Angel & Fables at The Blog From Another World". 2009-10-07. Retrieved 2011-03-20. 
  6. ^ "The official ANGEL IS LEAVING IDW Q&A". IDW Publishing. 2010-08-23. Retrieved 2010-08-24. 
  7. ^ a b Brian Lynch (w), Franco Urru (a). Angel: After the Fall 2 (2007-11-21), IDW Publishing
  8. ^ a b Brian Lynch (w), Franco Urru (a). Angel: After the Fall 1 (2007-12-19), IDW Publishing
  9. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Franco Urru (a). Angel: After the Fall 3 (2008-01-14), IDW Publishing
  10. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Franco Urru (a). Angel: After the Fall 4 (2008-02-20), IDW Publishing
  11. ^ a b c Brian Lynch (w), Stephen Mooney and Nick Runge (a). Angel: After the Fall 12 (2008-09-04), IDW Publishing
  12. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Nick Runge (a). Angel: After the Fall 8 (2008-06-18), IDW Publishing
  13. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Nick Runge (a). Angel: After the Fall 10 (2008-07-02), IDW Publishing
  14. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Nick Runge and David Messina (a). Angel: After the Fall 11 (2008-08-13), IDW Publishing
  15. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Stephen Mooney (a). Angel: After the Fall 13 (2008-10-22), IDW Publishing
  16. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Stephen Mooney (a). Angel: After the Fall 14 (2008-11-19), IDW Publishing
  17. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Franco Urru (a). Angel: After the Fall 15 (2008-12-17), IDW Publishing
  18. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Franco Urru (a). Angel: After the Fall 16 (2009-01-21), IDW Publishing
  19. ^ Brian Lynch (w), Franco Urru (a). Angel: After the Fall 17 (2009-02-11), IDW Publishing
  20. ^ Joss Whedon (w). "The Long Way Home" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 4 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  21. ^ Brian K. Vaughan (w). "No Future for You" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 9 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  22. ^ a b Joss Whedon (w). "A Beautiful Sunset" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 11 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  23. ^ Jane Espenson (w). "Retreat" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 26 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  24. ^ Jane Espenson (w). "Retreat" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 27 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  25. ^ Jane Espenson (w). "Retreat" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 28 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  26. ^ Jane Espenson (w). "Retreat" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 30 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  27. ^ Joss Whedon (w). "Turbulence" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 31 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  28. ^ Brad Meltzer (w). "Twilight" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 32 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  29. ^ Brad Meltzer (w). "Twilight" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 33 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  30. ^ Brad Meltzer (w). "Twilight" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 34 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  31. ^ Brad Meltzer (w). "Twilight" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 35 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  32. ^ Jane Espenson (w). "Commitment through Distance, Virtue through Sin" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight: Riley ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  33. ^ Brad Meltzer (w). "Last Gleaming" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 36 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  34. ^ Joss Whedon, Scott Allie (w). "Last Gleaming" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 38 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  35. ^ Joss Whedon, Scott Allie (w). "Last Gleaming" Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 39 ({{{date}}}), Dark Horse Comics
  36. ^ "". Dark Horse Comics. 2010-08-24. Retrieved 2010-08-29. 
  37. ^ "(SPOILER) Big Buffyfest Interview with Scott Allie about Angel's return to Dark Horse.". 2010-08-20. Retrieved 2010-08-24. 
  38. ^ "The Top 50 Greatest TV and Film Vampires of All Time". SFX Special Edition (39): 33. 2009. Retrieved 2009-09-04. 
  39. ^ "'Angel' hunk David takes 'sexiest vampire' crown from Robert Pattinson in our poll". Hello Magazine. 
  40. ^ Streib, Lauren (2009-08-03). "Hollywood's Most Powerful Vampires". Forbes Magazine. 

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